Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The elderly have all the fun
Its always said you should look to the future because the past has gone and cannot be changed. To a certain extent i agree. If you are so caught up in the past you will ever live life to the full in the present, however i don't think the past should simply be forgotton. We've all had times we'd rather never happened or wish we could forget but the happy times, those are the things we should remember, those times will get us through any hardship that we experience in the future. Its easy to forget what we've accomplished in the past in times of stress.
Things from my past i will never forget include things like; those few days spent sleeping in a car in Brighton, my 21st birthday, walking through wallace arnold taking photos and endless summer days where nothing noteable happened but i was just happy.
The future is a bit scary, mostly because we don't often know whats going to happen. At the moment, my life is completely upside down and yet stable. In the next couple of months i'll have some big decisions and i'm looking forward to having to make them. I wish it didn't sound so corny but i want to tell all my friends (and everyone else) reading this that everything will be ok. To people living a life they never thought they would, as long as you're happy keep doing what you want. To people waiting for something to come along, it'll come just be patient.
As for myself, "I am prepared for amazing things to happen."