I love being busy. When I'm up against a deadline or when tasks are mounting up around me I thrive. When I can work at an easy pace nothing seems to get done.
One thing about my tendency to have an overactive thought process means that I usually consider every little detail in a problem but the downside to this is theres no room for anything else. I have been writing statements, proposals and everything in between for the last few days and just as I finish one lot I find out about more that are due to hand in, in the next week or so, and so the process starts over again.
Another aspect of being busy that I love is that free time becomes so much more enjoyable. Something as simple as playing frisbee becomes priceless instead of a waste of time.
Having tasted success recently I am hungry for more. For every exhibition I am accepted into I apply for two more and every time I hope that it might be the first time someone will buy a piece of my work. A lot of my work is very personal and therefore I don't produce work specifically for the purpose of selling but knowing that there are people thinking the same as me is extremely encouraging.