Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Home is not Home anymore.

This week finds me house-sitting for my parents. My duties include looking after the family business, walking the dog and caring for the various other animals too.

I never thought I'd say this but I have no desire to live in this house anymore. For a long time it has been my family home and somewhere I couldn't imagine leaving. Somehow that has changed.
My room is no longer mine. It has been redecorated and all evidence of the years I spent in there gone. I don't mind though.

I've moved on.

To tell you the truth where I live now doesn't feel like home. I have very little attachment to the four walls and everything else. For me Home is with Her. I know eventually we will find our own place, settle and start making memories for ourselves. Then we will be making a Home together, which comes with a sense of attachment and belonging.
I can't wait.